Why is it so difficult to write software for quantum computers and what can be done about it?
Many organizations have realized that quantum computing could fuel transformational changes in their industries. Whether these are substantial cost reductions – such as transportation route optimizations – or new revenue streams – such as the discovery of new compounds – the potential impact of quantum computing is too large to ignore.
It is typical to see a modest ‘wish list’ from organizations that form quantum computing teams: develop internal expertise (as opposed to outsourcing everything), short prototyping cycles, quantum algorithms that scale (to avoid rewriting them when stronger hardware becomes available), and the desire to bring in domain experts who are not versed in quantum computing.
But to their dismay and sometimes to their surprise, many teams discover that creating useful or sophisticated software for quantum computing is very difficult. Why is this the case and what can be done about it?
Read the full article in the Quantum Computing Report
Many organizations have realized that quantum computing could fuel transformational changes in their industries. Whether these are substantial cost reductions – such as transportation route optimizations – or new revenue streams – such as the discovery of new compounds – the potential impact of quantum computing is too large to ignore.
It is typical to see a modest ‘wish list’ from organizations that form quantum computing teams: develop internal expertise (as opposed to outsourcing everything), short prototyping cycles, quantum algorithms that scale (to avoid rewriting them when stronger hardware becomes available), and the desire to bring in domain experts who are not versed in quantum computing.
But to their dismay and sometimes to their surprise, many teams discover that creating useful or sophisticated software for quantum computing is very difficult. Why is this the case and what can be done about it?
Read the full article in the Quantum Computing Report