Quantum technology is moving fast and will make a big impact on designers and manufacturers starting in the next decade. But how and when should companies and individuals get started with quantum computing (QC)? And how can they move forward into QC when momentum and funding for it are strong but there’s a quantum talent gap? At the pace things are moving, universities won’t be able to graduate enough quantum mechanic Ph.D. students to meet the market’s demand.
Read the full article by Technical Marketing Manager, Dr. Erik Garcell, in a recent Machine Design publication here.
Quantum technology is moving fast and will make a big impact on designers and manufacturers starting in the next decade. But how and when should companies and individuals get started with quantum computing (QC)? And how can they move forward into QC when momentum and funding for it are strong but there’s a quantum talent gap? At the pace things are moving, universities won’t be able to graduate enough quantum mechanic Ph.D. students to meet the market’s demand.
Read the full article by Technical Marketing Manager, Dr. Erik Garcell, in a recent Machine Design publication here.