Brian Sieglewax



In a guest post at "The Quantum Insider", Brian Sieglewax writes:

At a quick glance, Classiq’s Quantum Algorithm Design (QAD) platform looks like a relatively-quick way to build unfathomably large quantum circuits. As any quantum algorithm designer surely knows, manually designing circuits can be quite challenging even when using just a few qubits. Designing a circuit for a 1,000-qubit quantum computer will be virtually impossible; you can’t even view any significant percentage of the circuit on a single computer screen. But, it turns out, designing large quantum circuits is only the tip of Classiq’s proverbial iceberg.

Read the full post here

In a guest post at "The Quantum Insider", Brian Sieglewax writes:

At a quick glance, Classiq’s Quantum Algorithm Design (QAD) platform looks like a relatively-quick way to build unfathomably large quantum circuits. As any quantum algorithm designer surely knows, manually designing circuits can be quite challenging even when using just a few qubits. Designing a circuit for a 1,000-qubit quantum computer will be virtually impossible; you can’t even view any significant percentage of the circuit on a single computer screen. But, it turns out, designing large quantum circuits is only the tip of Classiq’s proverbial iceberg.

Read the full post here

"Qubit Guyのポッドキャスト "について

The Qubit Guy(弊社最高マーケティング責任者ユヴァル・ボーガー)がホストを務めるこのポッドキャストは、量子コンピューティングのオピニオンリーダーをゲストに迎え、量子コンピューティングのエコシステムに影響を与えるビジネスや技術的な疑問について議論します。ゲストは、量子コンピュータのソフトウェアやアルゴリズム、量子コンピュータのハードウェア、量子コンピューティングの主要なアプリケーション、量子産業の市場調査などについて興味深いインサイトを提供します。


